wearing seat belt

5 Easy Ways to Prevent Your Seat Belt from Choking You

Seat belts are the best way to keep you safe in your vehicle and reduce the chances of an injury during sudden stops. However, vehicle seat belts can also be a safety hazard if you are not careful with using them.

When wearing your seat belt, you must make sure that you are not constricting your neck in any way. Otherwise, it will cause more harm than good. Seat belts positioned too high or low can cut blood circulation to the head and neck, causing severe injury and even death.

Here are five easy ways to prevent your seat belt from choking you.

1. Straighten Out the Seat Belt

You should always make sure to position your seat belt over your shoulder and lap. If your seat belt is crooked, it can easily constrict your neck and body. 

You must ensure that your seat belt is comfortable after properly adjusting it. You will know that the seat belt is fitted right if you can breathe easily and don’t feel any pain in your neck or chest.

2. Check Whether the Seat Belt Is Too Tight

You can determine whether your seat belt is too tight by placing one finger under the seat belt when it is resting across your chest. The seat belt is too tight if you can fit your finger between the seat belt and your chest. 

Tighten or loosen your seat belt as needed to ensure that you are wearing it correctly.

3. Don’t Sit Too Close to the Steering Wheel or the Dashboard

It would help to ensure at least 10 inches of free space between the steering wheel or dashboard and your body. Otherwise, the steering wheel or dashboard will hit you and cause severe injuries, especially if you must make an emergency stop or swerve quickly. 

You should also make sure that your knees are not cramped while sitting in your vehicle.

4. Check Your Seat Belt for Damage

Seat belts naturally deteriorate over time, so you should check yours from time to time to make sure that it remains functional. You should change your seat belt following an accident, as it may have been damaged. 

If you cannot fix your seat belt, you should replace it immediately to ensure you remain safe once you get back on the road.

5. Use a Car Seat Belt Extender If Needed

If your seat belt is too short, you should consider getting a car seat belt extender from a local auto parts store. Car seat belt extenders fit between your vehicle’s seat belt and the buckle, allowing you to wear the seat belt even when you are a little bit taller than average.


Accidents happen, but having a properly-fitted seat belt will make a huge difference when it comes to protecting your life while driving. Unfortunately, not everyone uses their seat belt correctly, making a bad situation even worse.

You should always make sure to wear your seat belt correctly to prevent it from causing injuries to your neck or other parts of your body. If you do not feel comfortable wearing your seat belt, you should consider altering it or replacing it altogether.

If you have a problem with your seat belt, Safety Restore is at your service! We are the world’s leader in post-accident restorations specializing in seat belt repairs, airbag modules, webbing replacements, and instrument cluster repairs. Have your seat belts repaired with us now!

Comments (1)

  1. No matter what adjustment I make. Seat back. Forward. Up. Down. The seat belt goes across my neck. How do I get an acception not to wear the chest part ? In Fla ? I don’t want to be choked to death in even a small collision

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