Coloured Seat Belts For Sale


Did you know there are currently eight states requiring drivers to strap in their dogs with a canine-specific harness while on the road? These states are Minnesota, Connecticut, Hawaii, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts.

Coloured Seat Belts For Sale
Get any colour seat belt by having your seat belt webbing replaced with our nationwide mail-in service!

These laws are in place because dogs get injured in car accidents quite often. Usually, humans are secured by seat belts, and in the case of an accident, may only sustain minor injuries. Dogs, on the other hand, often get ejected from a vehicle and are critically injured. As a result, dogs are not infrequently left to die or are put down instead of given the care that humans do.

Because regular seat belts are not designed for dogs, specific harnesses have been manufactured to keep them safe while driving in a car. Not only are they easy to use, but they are comfortable for the dog too. While wearing the harness, dogs still have the ability to sit up, lie down, and move around.
There are several benefits for a dog to wear a seat-belt harness. First, they can avoid the aforementioned ejection from a vehicle. Even low-speed collisions can end up with a dog being launched through a windshield at 20 mph or more. If a dog wears a seat belt harness, the harness can help by absorbing deceleration forces, much like a human safety belt does. This can result in less possible injury to the canine. Additionally, when a dog is secured into a harness, it has fewer chances of colliding a human during an accident—saving them both from additional injury. A restrained dog is not able to run off when a door is opened, which is an added benefit for any day. Finally, this restraint also prevents the dog from distracting the driver or tangling up in other objects in the vehicle.

If dogs are required by law to be strapped in, humans should certainly be wearing seat belts themselves! Seat belts are important safety components not to be taken lightly.

If any of your seat belts have been destroyed over time by simple wear and tear, or your faithful dog chewed through them, do not hesitate to replace them immediately! The company Safety Restore has a color match and custom colored seat belts for sale. The colored seat belts for sale are available for all makes and models of vehicles, and there are many shades of colors to choose from. Even though the company resides on the east coast, it welcomes customers nationwide. Customers simply need to log onto, where they can find the coloured seat belts for sale and purchase the service before sending in their belts to the company for repair.
for some reason, it put the last few paragraphs together when it pasted^

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